In 1974 Robert Mortimer had a vision of the type of sheep he needed to suit the Australian climate and conditions.
Robert found great difficulty in sourcing what he needed and so, after discussions with a good friend an idea formed to create a ram breeding group that could have access to top rams or elite AI sires straight away. And so Centre Plus began – a breeding group where progeny testing of the top animals could begin immediately.
Fast forward 44 years to 2018 and the Centre Plus Merinos genetics are proven. They are time tested through years of intense University and private research, meticulous record keeping and analysis.
Centre Plus specialise in producing a merino with high productivity, superior wool and characteristics. The meticulous scoring and recording of each animal’s traits, combined with full DNA testing and the use of genomics creates an environment where each animals’ potential is maximized.
Today Centre Plus is an innovative merino stud, focused on producing the exceptional all purpose merino.
Contact us for more information on how Centre Plus can be part of your next breeding program.

Robert Mortimer Robert
Nucleus & Breeding Manager/Member.
There’s a saying around the Merino industry “If it can be measured, Robert Mortimer has measured it.” Robert owner and manager of the Centre Plus Nucleus Stud in Tullamore NSW. Robert a second generation farmer, he and his wife Pam have worked as a team for over 50 years to ensure that their flocks provide cutting edge genetics and profitability for success. Robert and Pam are part of a proud tradition, a three generational family partnership including their sons Doug, Mark and families making their living in the sheep industry.
Robert is the Nucleus & Breeding Manager for Centre Plus Merinos. Centre Plus began in the early eighties as a group of people who joined together to produce more profitable sheep genetics. The core breeding program is based on the assumption by founding members that a self-replacing dual purpose merino flock has the best potential to continually increase the bottom line profits of breeding shareholders. Robert says over the years the program has evolved and developed after experimenting with various genetic evaluation strategies and products.

Mark Mortimer
Technology and Data Analysis Manager/Member
Mark is a third generation farmer from Tullamore in Central NSW. Mark works in the family partnership with his father Robert and brother Doug. Mark has a degree in Farm Business Management from Charles Sturt University that he utilises in his day to day duties and future planning for the family enterprise.
Mark currently sits on the following committees
• Advisory committee Sheep Genetics.
• Technical committee Sheep Genetics.
• National Livestock Genetics Consortium task force MLA.
• Merino Link Merino Lifetime Productivity trial steering committee.
• Macquarie Merino Lifetime Productivity trial steering committee.
Mark is the Technology and Data Analysis Manager for the Nucleus Stud and Members of Centre Plus Merino Group. Mark’s key roles include data capture with electronic tags and the storage, management and analysis of this data from Centre Plus as it continues to strive to be at the fore front of genetics in the sheep industry.
He has been involved with the use of sheep breeding values since 1990 and sees ASBV's as one of the most powerful tools a sheep classer can have at their disposal.

Terry Fishpool
Ram Sales Manager/Chairman/Member
Terry Fishpool lives in Tottenham with his wife Laurie on their property “Minara”. Their son Eric and wife Lisa and family are on “Meryula”. While daughter Fiona and husband Brett Star and family are on “Nuran”. The family conduct a mixed farm operation, including cropping and Centre Plus sheep.
Terry has representative positions locally, as well as roles on:
- National Policy Group for Grain Growers Pty Ltd
- NSW Farmers Executive Council
- Beat
- Biosecurity & Grains Committee
- National Farmers Federation,
- Farming Systems Committee
Terry as well as being Centre Plus Merino’s Chairman manages all commercial ram sales for the Centre Plus Merino Group. Terry and family have been members of the breeding group for 25 years.